Beyond being a capital ship, it is located in high-security space, where capital ships are not allowed to enter, but the Veldnaught was already THERE when the rule was put in place. EVE Online has many of these, but the Veldnaught, piloted by Chribba, gets special mention.and the Manticore - built out of junked Leviathans, it's probably the best ship for piracy in the game as its primary weapon, a ring of eight ion cannons named the Crown of Thorns, only disables and doesn't destroy targets, and its huge cargo carrying capacity can be converted to carry weapons.
Nova alone has the cool-looking Starbridge, the hideously powerful Polaris Raven, the very cool Auroran Thunderforge, and the Series Mascot Kestrel note originally from the first game in the series, brought forward in graphically updated form as a reward for completing one of Nova's storylines.
The Escape Velocity series has a number of cool ships. (Ancestor Moths have a special supernatural connection which also allows them to be used to somewhat protect mortal readers from the power of the Elder Scrolls, which is why the Scrolls are kept and read by the Cult of the Ancestor Moth.) The results of these expeditions have largely been lost to history, though it is known that both sides set up colonies on the moons of Nirn (which are said to be the rotting corpse/"flesh divinity" of the "dead" god, Lorkhan). (Which, in the ES universe, is actually a portal to Aetherius through which magic flows into Mundus, the mortal realm.) The Empire, on the other hand, used "Mothships", enormous Ancestor Moths bred, hollowed out, and flown into the void on strength of willpower alone.
The Aldmeri used Sunbirds, ships somehow literally made from the Sun. In background lore, during the Second Cyrodiilic Empire in the late 1st Era, the Empire was in a space race to explore Aetherius (the realm of magic) against the Altmer (High Elves) of the Aldmeri Dominion.
One wouldn't expect starships to show up in what is generally a Medieval European Fantasy series like The Elder Scrolls, but one would be wrong. Gordon: Demon or angel, you won't escape a shot unscathed! Gordon: That's the Astro Cannon, the EDF's ultimate weapon. Problems posed by the scarcity of earth resources and by their inadequate management, pollution problems, problems created by man's indiscriminate and often irresponsible action in vital sectors of the biosphere can be tackled and successfully alleviated, if not solved, by means of the soft and hard advanced technology developed for space systems.Gordon: You imbecile! Now's not the time to be impressed! Space science and technology are bound to play an increasing role in the immediate future, now that greater effort is being devoted to the exploitation of their relevance to other fields of human activity. As its predecessors in the series, Astronautical Research 1972 constitutes an indispensable reference for several groups of people: those who are actively engaged in astronautics those who are interested in following and assessing, year by year, the developments in astronautics, its progress, its new directions in research and those who are concerned with its many applications. A selected number of papers and critical surveys that were presented and debated at this Congress and which span the widely diversified field of astonautics are collected in the present Proceedings, together with a number of summaries of Round Table Discussions andjor Forum Sessions. #X3 REUNION XTM PLOT PROFESSIONAL#
Space scientists and engineers belonging to the professional societies associated with the International Astronautical Federation gathered together in Vienna to hold the Federation's 23rd Congress.